Dr. Sarit Szpiro is a faculty member in the special education department and the head of Amplilab at the University of Haifa. Dr. Szpiro's research is at the intersection of assistive technologies and home based learning paradigms to support typical and special populations including children, older adults, people with visual impairments, and autism. Dr. Szpiro uses cutting edge technologies including computer vision, augmented reality, and machine learning to develop tools that enhance users in real life situations.
BSc - Mathematics and Cognitive Science (Hebrew University)
MA - Cognitive Psychology (Tel Aviv University)
Phd - Cognitive Psychology (New York University)
Postdocs - Assistive technologies and augmented reality (Cornell Tech & Harvard Medical School)
Industry experience:
Research data science and machine learning (Amazon Alexa - Cambridge, MA; CrowdFlower - SF, CA)