Prof. Snir research is focused on mathematical and algorithmic solutions to problems in bioinformatics, in particular in the field of evolutionary tree reconstruction (phylogenetics). The tools in use come from fields such as combinatorial optimization, statistics and probability, mathematics, and information theory. The research is characterized by ample collaborations with researchers from broad disciplines under the general framework of a systematic analysis of evolutionary processes aiming at finding biologically significant patterns.
Specific research interests:
1. Supertree Methods for Large Scale Phylogenetic Reconstruction.
2. Analytical Detection of Horizontal Transfer.
3. Universal PaceMaker of Genome Evolution and Aging.
4. Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Reconstruction.
5. Convex Recoloring.
6. Hadamard Conjugation.

Snir Sagi, Prof.
Carmel - University of Haifa, Economic Corporation Ltd.
Eshkol Tower, |
Tel: +972-(0)4-8288500 |