Professor Dorit Pud was graduated at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in nursing (1982), and received a PhD in Neurophysiology at the Technion (2002), Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and an additional PhD in Biomedical Science at the University of Aalborg, Denmark (2006).
Prof. Pud main research interest is PAIN. She founded the Human Experimental Pain Research Laboratory at the University of Haifa, and she is the head of the laboratory. Multiple research projects and studies are currently being conducted at the lab, including the supervision of MA theses and Doctoral dissertations. Most of her studies deal with the individual differences in pain perception and analgesic response in humans, using innovative methods and various models to evoke experimental pain.
Prof. Pud has been pursuing these research activities by using two main approaches. The first is employing experimental pain models in healthy subjects and using psychophysical methods in an attempt to better understanding of the experience of pain and the mechanisms behind it. The second line of research is clinical trials, studying the therapeutic effects of individuals who suffer from clinical pain.
Prof. Pud current research interests include: (1) Identifying factors influencing pain perception (e.g., personality traits, demographic characteristics, genetic profile, brain morphology) (2) Understanding the phenomenon of opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH); (3) Exploring the analgesic efficacy of dopaminergic interventions for pain relief in chronic neuropathic pain patients; (4) Examining the effectiveness and safety of medical cannabis treatment for chronic pain patients.
Prof. Pud published over 70 papers in prestigious peer-review journals and has received research grants from competitive funding sources.

Pud Dorit, Prof.
Carmel - University of Haifa, Economic Corporation Ltd.
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